Aspects of Play

Aspects of Play


This page is in English - the site is in Norwegian
Baard made these videos in English as an exciting experiment to communicate with a wider, cross cultural audience.

If you want to contact Baard, please email or use the facebook page (link on bottom of page). Many thx!

Start here – introduction

In this brief opening, Baard outlines the content of the videoes and talks about *why* you should set aside 15 minutes to get personal with «Aspects of Play»

First Aspect of Play – «Place to Play» – your arena/setting

In order to have a thriving culture, Baard starts by adressing the foundations of your culture – physically, mentally and strategically.

Second Aspect of Play – «Go Play» – keeping the snowball rolling

Once the good seeds of culture are planted, it´s all about the ripple effect: How your actions continuously strengthens the foundation.

Third Aspect of Play – «The Play» – communicating your brand

All we want is a great story. A story that moves us into realizing what great potential lies within the realm of your organization. Give us more.

End here – the closing

Baard summarizes the key elements and invites you to start the dialogue with him.

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